
Putting all your energy into staying afloat leaves you exhausted.

Just because the event is over does not mean your body feels safe.

Just because you are not in that moment doesn’t mean you have clear thoughts, feel confident, and see yourself as “enough.”

After overwhelming events, the brain goes into protection mode and seeks safety. Hyper-awareness and reactivity for a moment create safety. In the long term, it leads to exhaustion.

The exhaustion feels like you have been holding a beach ball underwater for a week, year, decade, or lifetime.

You are left vulnerable and experiencing fear when you should feel safe.

Why can’t I just get over this?

Going back through all the worst moments of your life sounds terrifying.

I don’t want you to re-live this either; that sounds unhelpful.

Trauma is not something you just “get over.” It doesn’t have to have some deep meaning or change your life for the better. Let’s call it what it is – poop is poop.

The past is essential to your journey when it interferes with your present life. When your body, thoughts, and emotions are triggered from the past and cloud your life, they can cause you to suffer unnecessarily.

Trauma often wears a mask of suffering… addiction and decisions you’re not proud of, unhealthy relationships, impulsivity, depression…

Simplifying and focusing on the current behavior is helpful for a time and doesn’t seem to create lasting change. The underlying feelings of shame, fear, and anxiety remain. The cycle continues.

What does “healing from the past” even mean?

You are unique, and no one else’s story is exactly like yours. Several aspects are vital to a healing journey.

Create safety and be present: When the brain is flooded with thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations from the past, it is impossible to learn anything new. I will help you learn how to stay in the present moment, calm your body, and feel safe.

Discern between the past and the present: Changing patterns of behaviors and navigating thoughts and feelings differently can feel overwhelming, but it isn’t impossible. Hope is real. What happened in the past doesn’t have to dictate your story.

I have the skills to treat your issues effectively.

I’m trained in the “gold standard” approaches that provide “noticeable results,” including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), TFCBT (Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), and Narrative Trauma Therapy.

Trauma work is NOT cookie cutter. We will collaborate and utilize the best approach to provide “noticeable results” to help you connect to the present moment with confidence that the past is in the past.

Poop is poop. It is still going to smell and be terrible. But the future doesn’t have to smell the same way.

Trauma work can fundamentally change how you think, feel, and see yourself by disconnecting the past from controlling your present. Our work can help you gain insight and confidence in writing the next pages of your story.

Confidence in the Future

Working through the past is only helpful when it changes the present and future. Letting go of holding the beach ball under the water is scary and allows you to experience life differently.

Healing from trauma brings hope and confidence in the present and future, knowing that you have the ability and tools to change what doesn’t work.

Suffering is not the only option. You’re capable of having the life and relationships you want.

Schedule a free consultation today.